Letter to the editor


A group of six people decided to do a traffic study of Ponte Vedra and Palm Valley so they could get onto A1A easier. Now, there is a movement to promote A1A to six lanes and intersections to five lanes at 10 intersections, starting with the Dolphin Cove-Marlin entrance, and nine more south on A1A. In addition, the group is recommending sidewalk and bike lanes headed north.

Since none of the six live in a subdivision fronting A1A, it is easy to suggest the rest of us who do live just off A1A take the brunt of the suggestions. Fine for you, bad for us.

This will create more problems than solve when we can’t even get from one side of the road to the other. Our property values and mobile abilities are at risk.

Sending letters to the editor could be an excellent way of reaching out to all our subdivision neighbors to put a halt to this expensive, and decidedly untenable, idea.


Barbara Weinburger

Dolphin Cove

Ponte Vedra Beach