Tips for dressing your dog for Halloween


Dare you dress your dog for Halloween?

Does your dog want to celebrate Halloween?

Well, if you want to give it a try, why not?

Just be sure to take safety issues into concern, just as you would with a child. Following are tips from the Humane Society of the United States, as listed on

Tip #1

Your pets should always have identification and registration tags on their collars. This is even more important during Halloween, when opening doors offer more opportunities for escape!

Tip #2

If your dog doesn’t want to wear a costume, don’t force the issue. Try getting them comfortable with the costume first. Start early and depending on the intricacy of the disguise, start dressing them slowly and in pieces to gauge their reaction.

Tip #3

A costume should never confine, constrain or aggravate your pet. Anything that makes them uncomfortable can stress them out and make them unhappy.

Tip #4

Once the costume is on and fitted properly, make sure there isn’t anything that could be a tripping or burn hazard like a cape or long flowing hair.

Tip #5

Check the costume for little parts within biting or chewing distance. Remember, dogs will chew on anything they find remotely interesting, especially if they are in a nervous state.

Tip #6

Look closely at the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and throat of your dog or cat once they are dressed. Adjust the costume, as needed, including cutting eye and ear holes or removing whole portions of the costume to ensure your pet’s ability to see, hear and breathe.