Letters to the Editor

Boy Scout hopes traffic survey will benefit community


To The Editor:

My name is Matthew Rattigan Jr. I am 12 years old and live in Ponte Vedra Beach. I am a member of Boy Scout Troop 277 and am working on my communications merit badge, which is required for me to advance to Eagle Scout. I have chosen to write a letter to the editor as part of my work to complete this merit badge.

I am writing to you in regard to the article dated March 23, 2023, titled, "New traffic survey available for Ponte Vedra Beach residents until April 8.”

I think it is great that the Ponte Vedra Beach Citizens Traffic Task Force is conducting a survey to address traffic concerns in the community. Each morning, my dad drives me and my siblings to school down Palm Valley Road, and we see firsthand how the increased population and cars on the road have affected our commute. We see the same thing each afternoon on the way home. I do not want to see our town become a highway but understand that a growing community needs growing infrastructure to support it. I hope that this traffic survey will help improve our community, without bringing in a lot of construction. I like Ponte Vedra Beach the way it is, and I hope it will stay nice.

It would be great for the community to get involved and voice their opinion on this very important topic.

Thank you for your time and have a great week.


Matthew Rattigan Jr.