Cypress Village team wins inaugural InnoTank competition


Cypress Village, a local senior living community, has emerged a winner in LCS’ inaugural InnoTank competition, held during the LCS Senior Living Management Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, on June 25. The competition, designed to showcase innovative ideas from corporate and community employees, culminated in a live pitch event where the Cypress Village team secured the $10,000 grand prize.

The winning team from Cypress Village included Sarra Ninya, associate executive director; Michelle Fredenburg, director of quality and reimbursement; Stephanie Markoski, health care administrator; and Laurel Mundell, director of administrative services. Their groundbreaking idea was selected from five finalists, each demonstrating exceptional innovation, viability and potential to significantly impact the senior living industry.

“We are grateful to have won the inaugural InnoTank competition,” said Ninya. “Our team worked diligently to develop a proposal that not only meets the needs of our community but also aligns with the broader goals of LCS. This win is a testament to our collective dedication and passion for improving the lives of our residents.”

The InnoTank competition invited LCS employees to share innovative proposals for potential business ventures, products or services with the capacity to significantly influence communities and the senior living industry. Participants were tasked with presenting their ideas in a concise and engaging 10-minute pitch, judged on several criteria including clarity, persuasiveness, engagement and confidence.

The Cypress Village team’s winning proposal impressed the judges with its unique business model, clear demonstration of market potential and compelling problem-solution fit. The pitch outlined a novel approach to enhancing community operations and improving service delivery, showcasing the team's deep understanding of the industry's needs and their innovative spirit.

“The finalists for this inaugural event were truly exceptional,” said Frank Vedder, LCS senior vice president and chief information officer. “Every individual and group delivered remarkable pitches that showcased their innovative ideas and displayed their heart for making a difference.”

Vedder and Joel Nelson, LCS chief executive officer, served as judges, joined by industry-leading technology experts:

· Katie Schmitz, head of principal investing and fund management at Ziegler and managing principal of the Ziegler Link-age Funds, a venture capital fund family supporting innovation among entrepreneurs and senior living and health care providers.

· Tej Dhawan, co-founder and managing director of Plains Angels, a central Iowa network of angel investors. He manages Mango Seed Investments, Plains Angels Investment Fund, and participates in the Midwest Angel Syndicate and the Iowa Angel Investor Summit.

· Ginna Baik, executive board member at America’s Society on Aging, board member at Leading Age California, trustee of the John A. Hartford Foundation and chairman of the board at OATS (Older Adults Tech Services), an affiliate of AARP. Baik has more than a decade of experience in senior care and technology, focusing on providing scalable technology and services to underserved populations.

Each finalist’s pitch was confidential until the live competition, adding to the anticipation and excitement of the event. The Cypress Village team's proposal stood out for its innovative approach to enhancing community operations and improving service delivery. Their pitch clearly demonstrated market potential, a compelling problem-solution fit and a viable business model, securing their place as the competition’s winners.

The victory not only brings recognition to the Cypress Village team but also highlights the innovative culture fostered within the LCS organization. The InnoTank competition serves as a platform for employees to contribute transformative ideas that can shape the future of senior living communities.

For more information about Cypress Village and the award-winning proposal, contact or 904-223-6100.