Letter to the Editor: Stop, slow or manage growth


To The Editor:

The SJC Primary is Aug. 20 and early voting is Aug. 10-17. Several races will be decided on primary day. Growth in our state and county shows no sign of slowing down. The influx of those wanting to move their families here is nothing new. Our county has been growing at a rapid pace for the past 14 years. It’s not easy being a top-rated county and even harder to keep it a secret as Niche.com and several other rating sites have published. We need to do our homework and thoroughly vet all eligible candidates running for office. We should also take the emotion out of our decision-making and elect those with the experience and qualifications to effectively manage this future growth. No time to allow for a learning curve. There are development laws and private property rights that will help guide the way. Our county staff has been busy working on a state-mandated Comprehensive Plan for Future Growth through 2035 and there is also a county Planning Horizon Project through 2050. It is most beneficial for us to continue working together to ensure all voices are heard. We may not always get the results we want, but it is important to have open lines of communication and that is what our county staff encourages. 

Victoria Corlazzoli