Veterans to relate inspiring stories at event


The Tribute to Veteran Unsung Heroes honoring Vietnam Airborne veteran Rick McAllister and Air Force veteran Kris Jurski is Saturday, Aug. 17. The program begins at noon and is preceded by a luncheon. The event will be held at the Salem Centre Auditorium, 7235 Bentley Road, Jacksonville.

McAllister will tell his pictorial story of leading a group of Vietnam PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) veterans on a 500-mile healing pilgrimage across Northern Spain on the Camino de Santiago.  Attendees can hear about this inspiring and important “Last Patrol:  A Pilgrimage of Brotherhood.”

Jurski is a computer engineer and used that expertise to create The Peoples Audit, a grassroots army to help election offices maintain clean Florida voter rolls. 

“Here is an opportunity to hear amazing stories and thank these unsung heroes,” said Beth Heath, president of the We Can Be Heroes Foundation. “We are proud to honor Rick McAllister and Kris Jurski of Florida.” 

Reservations to the program can be made by selecting Trending Now at We Can Be Heroes events honor veterans and military with ticket discounts.